Sexual crimes have serious consequences even though, at times, the only available evidence may be one person’s word against another’s. With the advances of the internet, law enforcement has further increased their efforts to catch people engaging in online illegal activity such as child pornography, child enticement, prostitution and solicitation of minors, all of which come with serious consequences and penalties. Therefore, when you’ve been accused or are charged with a sexual crime, you need to employ the services of an experienced attorney look over the facts and come up with an aggressive action plan and ensure crucial evidence does not go missing.

The stakes are higher in a sexual crime case than perhaps in any other type. Prison sentences are likely and convictions often lead to mandatory lifetime reporting as a sex offender to the public. Never try defending yourself when faced with this kind of charge and, instead, hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to defend you at all costs.

Our attorneys are skilled in the latest trends involving computer technology and can skillfully assess causes that involve Internet sex crimes. We will look at the issues that involve intent, identification and entrapment. We will give you our best defense possible.

Give us a call at (813) 657-7709 24 HRS • 7 DAYS A WEEK to set up a free consultation on how we can help you with your criminal case.