Florida laws provide individuals the opportunity to have their criminal record for a specific instance expunged or permanently sealed once a Petition to Expunge or Seal is granted. Once a request is granted, the Court will order the Clerk of Court and all law enforcement agencies involved to expunge or seal the records pertaining to a specific arrest and prosecution. As a result, the person can deny any criminal history related to the expunged or sealed record.

The requirements for filing a Petition to Expunge or Seal are quite specific and not everyone will qualify for the proceeding. Some criminal offenses that, due to their nature, may not be expunged or sealed. Additionally, prior criminal convictions that the individual may have may disqualify them from the expungement/sealing process.

Do you have a criminal record and/or sheriff’s office booking photograph that you want to have permanently removed from the internet and official records? CALL US TODAY at (813) 657-7709 24 HRS • 7 DAYS A WEEK to set up a FREE consultation.